“No Waste” Food Collection
Saturday 28th December Saturday 4th December Open 9:00 t0 10:30 Don't let food go to waste
Saturday 28th December Saturday 4th December Open 9:00 t0 10:30 Don't let food go to waste
March 3rd 1.30pm at Holy Family & All Saints Church Guithavon Street The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement
Find out more at https://www.christianaid.org.uk/ Donate at https://envelope.christianaid.org.uk/envelope/wurc
Please support Christian Aid week. You can give online via the following link - https://envelope.christianaid.org.uk/envelope/wurc
More from these two sisters!
Please bring want you can to Witham United Reformed Church or to Howbridge Junior School. Thanks to the people who have already
The time has come, when change is necessary. Nations United is a special, first of its kind film, created by the United
The annual World Day of Prayer service in Witham was due to take place on 5th March at the URC but obviously
Come On In - Meet Florentina a Fairtrade Banana Farmer
Holdfast Credit Union is a not-for-profit community bank. A financial co-operative owned and run by its members, working throughout Essex, in the