24 Hours a week, £14,976 per annum.

We are seeking a visionary leader to join our core team as Director of Outreach. This new role is key to supporting our church to spread the love of Jesus within our community and to build on our successes.

Our building has been central to Witham’s community for over 180 years but we are looking to the future. As needs change and the community evolves so must the church. We have a vibrant church which is extremely active, supporting the community across the week. Are you able to help us take this forward?

We are seeking someone with experience in managing volunteers and a community facility serving the needs of the church and the wider community. As someone with a commitment to share the love of Christ, are you able to lead and develop our team to deliver our vision and mission?

For further details please see our full recruitment pack https://www.withamurc.org.uk/Director%20of%20Outreach%20Recruitment%20Pack.pdf ; if you would like a confidential discussion about this opportunity, please contact one of our Outreach Elders either Ian Hunt on 07748915149 or Fenella Hardie 07962038612, or the details below.

Applications should be submitted in writing to Ian Hunt at the details below no later than the 31st August 2024, including an up-to-date CV and covering letter setting out your suitability for the role.

Witham United Reformed Church
Newland Street
CM81AE info@withamurc.org.uk