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LOAF ? What is this all about?
L – Locally produced
O – Organically grown
A – Animal friendly
F- Fairly traded

We praise God best, through our food when we know the growers. the farms, plants, animals markets and retailers in our locality. Living sustainably locally, eliminates the climate damage of air and lorry food. Buy potatoes, sprouts, carrots, cabbage, strawberries, apples, pears from our own bio-region!
Importantly grow some of your own!
Organic growing works with and not against nature. Organic growers feed, nourish, cultivate, protect and encourage the soil.
Try to support sustainably grown imported food. There is always going to be food that cannot be produced in quantity in north-western Europe – bananas citrus fruits dates, olives, cocoa, pineapples cranberries tea and coffee to mention some!! Such food should be fairly traded.
Remember we are a FAIR TRADE church!
Have a GO! Start to really think about what LOAF means to you and your family!
Audrey Kennedy2021-11-10T17:53:41+00:00
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