
Christmas Services

Sunday 15th December

10:30am Nativity Service – all age. This is preceded by breakfast from 9:30am

6:30pm Traditional Candlelit Carol Service

Sunday 22nd December

10:30am Family all age Service

6:30pm Carol Service

25th December

10:30 Family Service

The Ministers, Children & Youth Pastors, and Elders of Witham United Reformed Church condemn all forms of racism and will not tolerate any form of racist behaviour or language. We stand with our Black friends in calling for a complete end to all forms of racial discrimination and injustice, and will not stop until this is achieved.


Just Around the Bend

Lead Vocals: Jonathan Veira © MMXXI Paul Field & Jonathan Veira Captions By JV Tech Team

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times | Presented by Thandie Newton

The time has come, when change is necessary. Nations United is a special, first of its kind film, created by the United Nations on its 75th Anniversary and to mark five years since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. In the midst of a pandemic radically transforming our world, Nations United tells the story of the world as it is, as it was, and as it could be. It focuses on the solutions and action we need to tackle poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change. Featuring the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Malala Yousafzai,

Samaritans Purse online sessions

Connect with Samaritan's purse Main Operation Shoebox celebration – Saturday 20th March at 10.30am Sharing shoebox stories that hit home – Tuesday 23rd March at 7pm More than a shoebox – Thursday 25th March at 7pm Connect in prayer – Wednesday 24th March at 2pm Click the link below for further information regarding these online sessions: https://www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/connect-conference-signup/?fbclid=IwAR2XV3CHCN6T8CrW_v3ZUwvw4O8BaD3AaWuLX3O_Hai1Ok3BHQffFs8OOkI

Give thanks for your vaccine

Give thanks for your vaccine The URC hopes to raise £10,000 for Christian Aid to use to give practical support to the poorest communities where there is little hope of a vaccine role out. All donations will support Christian Aid's response to the coronavirus pandemic in affected communities around the world, including Commitment for Life's – the URC’s global justice programme – partner regions. If you or your family member has received a vaccine and would like to express your gratitude by helping the campaign click on the link below to find out how to donate. https://urc.org.uk/latest-news/3740-give-thanks-for-your-vaccine-through-urc-fundraiser.html

Spring Harvest 2021

Spring Harvest Online 4th-8th April It's all about worship. Why we worship? Who we worship? How we worship? What happens when we worship? Stream, watch and worship! Live worship celebrations, transformative teaching, insightful Bible studies, fun kids sessions and more. Follow this link to find out more: https://springharvest.org/

New YouTube channel name

You can now find Witham URC online at our custom address of https://www.youtube.com/c/wurc%20online That's wurc space online! Looks like you can also miss out the space, or use an underscore.      

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis
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